Hua Lamphong Subway Station Area

The subway station has a passage leading to an exit right outside the old inter-city train station. You can easily walk to Wat Traimit and Chinatown from this station.
Hua Lampong Railway Station
The Hua Lamphong station is Bangkok's main rail terminus. Trains for all points in Thailand, except Kanchanaburi, depart from this station. Behind the solid classical facade facing Rama IV Road is the huge train shed. When entering through the front, the ticket offices are located directly in front of you, across a large waiting room lined on either side by shops and food stalls. Tickets for the next departing train to your destination may be purchased at any open window. For advance booking up to 60 days before departure, the advance booking office is off the train platforms at the right end of the ticket booths.
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